Healing Companions, Inc. is proud to say that over the months and years since 2001 we have attended and presented at hundreds of events, small and large, in an effort to educate the public about the possibilities of Psychiatric Service Dogs in treating people with mental illness. Feel free to browse some of our previous events. If you do not see an upcoming event here, that does not mean we are not working on our next one!
Stop back often to see us and check for new events and news. If you see something you like, please share!
Check out these photos of our visit to Westlake Porter Public Library.
Andrew Hale has invited Jane Miller to the group Dog Centred Care to share with us her passions and expertise in working with, and supporting, the emotional needs of both humans and dogs. Jane will discuss how these emotional needs play a role in the connection we have with each other, and are essential to building a bond with a two-way communication as we learn each other’s body language. Jane will also touch on how attachment theory and early childhood experiences parallel with what we see in human-dog relationships. Sharing methods based on polyvagal theory, Jane will discuss ways in which we can co-regulate with our dogs to improve our relationship/bond with them.
Please join us!